
Staying healthy

Health involves many different things: refreshing sleep, daily exercise, healthy nutrition - but also mental stimulation, hope, joy and a feeling of purposefulness in our lives.

Hahnemann had the following to say about this:

He [the physician] is likewise a preserver of health if he knows the things that damage health and cause disease, and how to remove them from healthy persons/ persuade healthy persons to abandon them.

Hahnemann, having treated many people, knew that no lasting cure could be expected if his patients followed an unhealthy life style. For a lasting cure a change in life style and habits was often needed. Today we are beginning to understand the impact which our habits have on our health. Ailments like diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis are all positively influenced by a healthy diet and healthy life-style.

Classical homeopathy is a reliable form of assistance with acute as well as chronic ailments. It is often the rapid cure of an acute disease that convinces even the sceptic of the benefits of homeopathy as a healing art.

‘Nature is the best pharmacy’

Sebastian Kneipp